
Keeping Your Website Fresh: How Often Should You be Updating?

Creating the perfect website is a process that takes time and consideration, it is important to include the information that is needed to bring your site to life. So, it should be equally important to consider what content is necessary to update as well as how often it should be done. Keeping web content up to date allows you to keep the conversation with your audience engaging, and it adds value to the SEO rankings surrounding your website. Let’s find out more about why it’s important to continue updates.

Why Updates Matter

One of the first benefits you should consider about keeping your website up to date is that it remains easier to work with compared to a system that has been neglected. The more updates and content required to get back to an optimal place will be perceived as daunting and pushed off further, it’s very similar to upkeeping your home or lawn. 

Keeping your website fresh with new information regarding products and services is a worthwhile effort because it encourages your audience to revisit the site and continue engaging with your brand. Customers are not the only element to consider when updating content, search engines are also paying attention. The more you interact with your website and regularly update it, the higher your site relevancy ranks on their search results. 

When is it Time to Update my Content?

The minimum recommendation right now regardless of website or industry is at least one new blog or informational post per month. The honest answer is to update as often as you can. The following areas are helpful to update when wanting to remain competitive: 

  • Always be promoting new products and service offerings
  •  Update information about your business and highlight members of your staff
  • Create a FAQ page that explains any Frequenty Asked Questions
  • Keep your pictures updated and aim to do so every 2-3 months

It has become easier to stay on top of these updates given the evolution of digital marketing tools. Blogs can be written at once after a brainstorming session and scheduled to be posted throughout the year. It cannot be overstated that creating consistency in a content schedule will have a positive impact on your website performance and business. 

When is it Time to Update my Website?

SEO experts recommend a major update to the website at least every two years. This update ensures that what your audience is interfacing with on your site is up to modern standards and therefore competitive. New features that enhance the user experience are constantly being developed and your website needs to reflect what is functional and expected by consumers. 

Keeping your site updated will provide numerous benefits to you by keeping the importance of your user experience and SEO rules in mind. This will help you avoid any broken elements to your website, and diminish incongruencies between the web and mobile view of your site. Functional and visual updates are the two key considerations to make when looking at how to improve your website experience. 


SugarFree Designs can address all of your SEO and Digital Marketing needs. Whether you want a website created from the ground up or just some extra help bringing you up to an optimized level, we have an answer for you. Contact Us Today to learn more about how we can help your website thrive. 

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